Fully accredited courses On-site training available Experienced and friendly training team

Stress in the Workplace Online Training Course

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£19.99per licence incl. VAT
Fully accredited courses
On-site training available
Experienced and friendly training team

Stress in the Workplace is defined by the HSE as ‘the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them’.

Dealing with Stress in the Workplace can be difficult and confusing, this online training course details what you need to know to prevent stress at work which in turn helps to avoid the damaging economic and human costs.

Stress at work can be down to a number of factors; all too often this can be the result of a poorly structured job, poor organisation and management. This can result in an individual’s capacity for dealing with stress being exceeded meaning they can no longer cope. This can cause significant illness and disease in some cases. It can also lead to mistakes and further injuries. This is why it’s vital that stress at work is managed properly.

This course is designed to provide learners with the correct information on understanding Stress in the Workplace and ways in which it can be tackled.

This will cover a number of elements including:

  • What work related stress is
  • The employers legal obligations
  • What causes work related stress
  • The 7 workplace stressors
  • Ways to manage stress in the workplace

All courses can be delivered at your premises throughout the UK and Northern Ireland.
